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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Trump's Poison Pill

It may seem like there isn't anything Donald Trump can say or do that will be considered embarrassing to the Republicans that have been fawning over him.

He's not just one of those birthers, he's out in loony land. This week he said "someone told me Obama's birth certificate is missing." When asked who told him, he said he'd rather not reveal it. I'd like to know why interviewers don't just end the interviews right then and there. Seriously. Somebody told him? That wouldn't work for my kids. "Dad, somebody told me that we don't have to do homework tonight." Who? "I'd rather not reveal it." My God.

Then he said that he hears that Obama was a terrible student. Not just an OK student; a terrible student. His source for that? He heard it. He can't reveal where, but it will all come out in due time.

(I hear that Donald wets the bed. Somebody told me that. It's sad, really. I hear that he pees in his bed so much that his little binky can't be used unless he sterilizes it first. And his teddy bear "Pinky the Ballerina" smells like pee too. I can't tell you where I heard it, but trust me, it will all come to light someday.)

What's really funny is that none of this has hurt him in the polls. The Republicans hate Obama so much they don't care what he says about him, or how ridiculous it is, they're all for it. But here's something that may actually hurt him. The list of candidates he donated to recently. From this morning's Washington Post...

"Recipients include Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (Nev.), former Pennsylvania governor Edward G. Rendell, and Rahm Emanuel, a former aide to President Obama who received $50,000 from Trump during his recent run to become Chicago’s mayor, records show."

Ruh Roh, Rastro.

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